Bargaining Update

American Airlines Passenger Service Workers Rally For Fair Pay and Job Security
District 3 Vice President Richard Honeycutt (right), who is also Chair of CWA’s Passenger Service Airline Council, joined passenger service agents in Charlotte for a day of action.
After almost a year of stalled negotiations for a new bargaining agreement, CWA and IBT passenger service members at American Airlines rallied outside 10 airports as part of a national day of action to demand better pay, job security, and working conditions. Union members both in the airline industry and other sectors joined passenger service workers in solidarity on informational picket lines in Charlotte, Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston, St. Louis, Miami, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Phoenix. CWA District 3 Vice President Richard Honeycutt, who is also Chair of CWA’s Passenger Service Airline Council, joined the line in Charlotte and CWA District 2-13 Vice President Mike Davis participated in Philadelphia.
“Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, passenger service workers risked their own health and safety to continue serving the flying public and aided the airline industry’s economic recovery along the way,” said CWA President Claude Cummings Jr. “These workers deserve respect and they deserve a contract that recognizes their value to the company and the industry. It’s time for American Airlines to stop stalling and get serious at the bargaining table.”
“Passenger service and reservation agents like us are on the frontlines of our airline industry, assisting passengers and keeping air travel on schedule and safe,” said Zattier Marvin, President of Local 3641 in Charlotte, N.C. “Many of us have not received wage increases in four years. On top of our low pay, we are often the target of verbal and physical assaults just for performing our duties. Poverty wages and unsafe working conditions shouldn’t fly. We need a strong contract now.”
American Airlines received proposals to guarantee job security 10 months ago. Without an agreement on job security, the bargaining team cannot begin bargaining over wages, a top concern for CWA-IBT passenger service members. The CWA-IBT bargaining team will resume negotiations with American Airlines in mid-September.
Passenger service workers rally at airports across the country, from CWA Local 3140 in Miami, CWA Local 6001 at Dallas/Fort Worth, and CWA Local 4201 in Chicago. You can see more photos at
AFA-CWA Alaska Airlines Flight Attendants Turn Out for Day of Solidarity
Members of the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA at Alaska Airlines held a Day of Solidarity with informational pickets spanning six airports on Tuesday. From Anchorage to San Diego, AFA-CWA Flight Attendants and their supporters from across the labor movement made a powerful statement to management as their Negotiating Committee returned to the bargaining table to fight for the contractual pay and work rule improvements that CWA members have earned and deserve. AFA-CWA International President Sara Nelson joined the group outside the airline's headquarters near Sea-Tac International Airport.
"They like us to think that they have all the power and control. We have all the power and we generate all the power. When we come together and exercise our power, we take control and we take the money," said Nelson. "Alaska Flight Attendants, the entire union is watching you because you're going to set the next standard for the best Flight Attendant contract."
Expedited negotiations with management broke down earlier this summer. While Alaska management claimed they were committed to “top of industry” wages when negotiations started nearly a year ago, their proposals fail to meet that standard or compensate Alaska Flight Attendants for all of their time on the job.
AFA-CWA Flight Attendants are fired up for a Red Hot Summer of member mobilization. For Tuesday’s Day of Solidarity, Flight Attendants picketed at airports in Seattle, Anchorage, Los Angeles, Portland, San Diego, and San Francisco.
AFA-CWA Flight Attendants rally in San Diego, supported by their families.
DirecTV National Video Contract Ratified
For the first time since DirecTV was spun off from AT&T, CWA members have the collective power of a unified DirecTV National Video Contract. The contract was ratified last week with an astounding 100% of voters in favor of the agreement. This resounding show of unity and support underscores the strength and commitment of our membership.
The contract covers DirecTV dispatchers and technical support specialists across Tennessee, Iowa, and Colorado who were previously covered by the National Internet Contract with AT&T, but negotiated by bargaining unit after DirecTV was sold off.
The new national contract will give members a compound raise of 14 percent over four years and guarantee workers a $1.50 per hour relief differential. The contract improves job security with restrictions on the use of subcontractors.
TVO Today (Canada)
Members of the Canadian Media Guild-CWA at TVO rallied in Toronto yesterday as a strike loomed over the company’s failure to bargain a fair contract with wage increases, benefits and job security. TVO is a not-for-profit media agency of the Ontario Ministry of Education and Canada’s oldest educational television service.
Wage increases far below inflation for over 10 years have employees making about 20 percent less than they used to and TVO has proposed keeping education workers perpetually on contract, without adequate benefits and job security. While the workers hope to negotiate an agreement and avoid a strike, they will be legally permitted to strike starting on Friday.
Canadian Media Guild-CWA members rallied in Toronto for wage increases and job security.
Passaic County (N.J.) Board of Social Services
Workers at the Passaic County Board of Social Services (PCBSS), members of CWA Local 1037, picketed and marched to the Passaic County Commissioners Meeting on August 10 to demand a fair contract.
The PCBSS workers were essential and continued to provide services to the residents of Passaic County during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic – but management refuses to step up and recognize the workers’ dedication and commitment. The PCBSS contract expired 19 months ago, making this the longest period that PCBSS workers have gone without a contract since 1996.
“I know we don’t bargain directly with the county commissioners, but two commissioners sit on the board of social services,” Wanda Sawyer, CWA 1037 Vice President at PCBSS said at the meeting. “On behalf of our over 300 members at the board, we call on you to stand with us and send a message to the Board of Social Services administration that Passaic County is pro-Union, collective bargaining must be respected and the time for a fair contract is now!”
Read more about the action here.
San Francisco Chronicle Guild Ratifies Contract After Two Years of Negotiations
After more than two years of negotiations, the San Francisco Chronicle Guild (TNG-CWA Local 39521) has ratified a new contract.
Contract highlights include a minimum salary of $73,000, believed to be the highest minimum of any major unionized newsroom in the U.S., and guaranteed annual raises for all members. This agreement represents a step forward in ensuring fair pay and improved benefits and working conditions for all Guild members.
SF Chronicle/SFGATE member involvement was instrumental in achieving this contract. During the two years of bargaining, members generated action campaigns, showed up at bargaining sessions and took part in a newsroom-wide lunch out. Each member mobilization action resulted in movement at the bargaining table.
NBC News Digital
Members of the NBC Guild (NewsGuild of New York, TNG-CWA Local 31003) hit the streets very early Friday morning to pass out flyers to fans gathered to see country star Kelsea Ballerini perform at the "Today Show" concert series.
NBC Guild members want and deserve a fair contract that honors their work at NBC News Digital. Instead, NBC is refusing to protect employees from bad bosses, unfair discipline, and terminations. These workers are demanding just cause to create a fair and transparent workplace. Support their petition to show NBC that all of us stand behind NBC Guild!
NBC Guild members distributed flyers to educate the public about their fight for a fair contract.
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