Two Years Into Strike, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Workers Move Closer to Victory

CWA strikers hold their picket line against the scab Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. (Photo Credit: Pam Panchak, Pittsburgh Union Progress, member of TNG-CWA Local 38061.)
In America’s longest-running strike, CWA members from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette are finally getting their day in court. Last month, a federal judge began hearing testimony to consider granting the federal labor board’s (NLRB) request for a 10(j) injunction. If granted, this could compel the newspaper to pay for workers’ health care expenses until a new contract or health care arrangement is reached.
As strikers maintain their picket lines and their solidarity through their third holiday season on strike, they are looking forward to a decision on the injunction in the new year.
The striking journalists of the Newspaper Guild of Pittsburgh (TNG-CWA Local 38061), which went on their own unfair labor practices strike in October 2022, won their NLRB board decision in September, and are also seeking relief from the federal courts.
You can help CWA strikers win this fight by donating to their holiday strike fund. Donations to the Holiday Striker Fund help striking CWA families cover rent, utilities, and unexpected bills as they continue to fight in the most expensive time of year.
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To help strikers even more, you can sign up for a holiday strike fund phone bank session to ask others to join you in supporting these strikers on labor’s frontlines.
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