On the Strike Line ‒ Natalie Duleba

Natalie Duleba uses a megaphone to address the crowd. Photo by John Moss.
Name: Natalie Duleba
Local: The Newspaper Guild of Pittsburgh, TNG-CWA Local 38061
Workplace: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Title: Copy editor/page designer/web editor
Experience: 10 years on copy desks in Fairbanks, Alaska; Baton Rouge, La.; and Pittsburgh, Pa.
Strike time: 20+ months (since day one!)
Quote: I went on strike for "brain" reasons: we deserve fair pay, affordable health care, and respect from the Post-Gazette. But I stay on strike (and will until we win) for "heart" reasons—my fellow strikers, who continue to fight for one another at great personal sacrifice. I am so proud and honored to stand with them. I know that our bond, forged in this long battle, is unbreakable and that we will continue to support each other well after the dust settles.
Inspiration: My fellow strikers, who not only inspire me but who also keep me going through rough patches. Being able to spend time with them and get to know them has been incredible. I'll remember the tough times, sure, but also the shared laughter that is getting me through it all.
If you’d like to support these striking members please consider donating to their strike fund.
You can also get yourself a (striking worker-run) Pittsburgh Union Progress T-shirt with an order and donation to the strike fund (follow directions here to get yours).
This post originally appeared on cwa-union.org.