On the Strike Line – Kitsy Higgins

Kitsy Higgins (CWA Local 14827) speaks at a rally marking the anniversary of the strike against the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. (PHOTO CREDIT: Steve Mellon, Pittsburgh Union Progress, TNG-CWA 38061)
Name: Kitsy Higgins
Local: Pittsburgh Typographical Union 7/CWA Local 14827
Workplace: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Title: Advertising Account Representative
Experience: 5 years
Strike Time: 1.5 years
Quote: “I’ve been on strike for a year and a half because my employer won’t respect my basic dignity."
Inspiration: “I’m inspired by my children. They are the reason I stay on strike. If we let the bosses win, that means there will be less of a union for the next generation or my children's generation. We can't have that and let them win."
This post originally appeared on cwa-union.org.