On the Strike Line ‒ Helen Fallon

With a career spanning four decades, journalist and CWA member Helen Fallon (Newspaper Guild of Pittsburgh, TNG-CWA Local 38061) began, and will soon end, that career with monumental strikes. Like her first, her current strike against the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (PPG) focuses on livable wages and health care. The PPG strike has dragged on for 21 months, and, though a possible end is in sight, there is still much to be done to ensure the journalists and other staff are made whole. Read the incredible story of Helen’s work, her fights, and the lengths to which corporate bosses will go to “break the unions.”
You can read her full story here.
You can donate to support the strikers by visiting unionprogress.com/donate and read why other supporters have chosen to give.
CWA member and journalist Helen Fallon began, and will soon end, her career with monumental strike actions. (Photo credit: Steve Mellon/Pittsburgh Union Progress)
This post originally appeared on cwa-union.org.