Strike Ends as CWA Members Reach Tentative Agreements with AT&T

Earlier this week, bargaining teams reached tentative agreements with AT&T Southeast and AT&T West.
The agreement in the Southeast ends the 30-day unfair labor practice strike—the longest telecommunications strike in CWA District 3’s history—with union members across nine states pressuring the company to negotiate in good faith.
The agreement at AT&T West comes after members rejected a previous tentative agreement on September 6.
“I believe in the power of unity, and the unity our members and retirees have shown during these contract negotiations has been outstanding,” said CWA President Claude Cummings Jr. “I’m not just talking about AT&T members in the Southeast and West, although the determination of our striking AT&T Southeast members was remarkable. CWA members and retirees from every region and sector of our union mobilized in support of our bargaining teams, including by distributing flyers with information about the strike at AT&T Wireless stores. Gone are the days when CWA Districts and Sectors had to fight their fights alone. Together, we win.”
Watch and share these videos celebrating our strength on the picket line and our solidarity across the country.
“We are incredibly proud of our members and thank CWA members, retirees, and allies across the country for the solidarity that has sustained us through these difficult negotiations,” said CWA District 3 Vice President Richard Honeycutt. “Their willingness to make sacrifices in order to win major improvements and stop the removal of key items in their contract, not just for themselves but for future members, is truly inspiring.”
“This new agreement builds on what we achieved in the first round of bargaining,” said CWA District 9 Vice President Frank Arce. “In addition to maintaining gains on employment security, overtime, and scheduling, we improved the compensation package. This was possible due to the dedication of our membership, their mobilization efforts, and the elected bargaining team’s ability to quickly address the concerns our members raised.”
Both Districts will host contract explanation meetings for their respective members ahead of a ratification vote. The bargaining committees in each District recommend ratification.
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