Street Named in Honor of CWA Member Priscilla Carrow

A street in Queens, N.Y., has been co-named Priscilla Carrow Way in honor of a CWA Local 1180 member who worked at Elmhurst Hospital and died of COVID-19 last year.
Carrow dedicated her life to helping others. She served as a senior steward and in leadership positions for many community organizations.
"Priscilla was an essential worker who was a true hero," said CWA Local 1180 President and Northeast Region At-Large Executive Board Member Gloria Middleton. "She was responsible for distributing PPE to doctors and nurses in the beginning of the pandemic while not being able to use it for herself. She gave her life for the safety of others. I hope that having a street named in her honor will inspire people to learn more about her and continue to fight for justice in her name."
A street in Queens, N.Y, has been named in honor of CWA Local 1180 member Priscilla Carrow who worked at Elmhurst Hospital and died of COVID-19.