Organizing Update

Tower Safety
Workers at Tower Safety in Phoenix, Ariz., a company that offers cell phone tower climbers an array of trainings and certifications with an emphasis on safety, won voluntary recognition and joined CWA. “For far too long cell phone tower climbers have been taken advantage of by the big telecom companies who avoid responsibility by subcontracting the work,” said CWA President Chris Shelton. “Workers are often provided with outdated equipment to perform highly dangerous duties without adequate training and very little pay and benefits.”
These workers risk their lives every day going up towers to provide us with the cell phone connection we depend on. They deserve better. CWA is committed to continuing to support workers in this industry as they organize for better working conditions, fair pay, and a voice on the job.
AT&T In Home Experts
After an effort by management to cancel a long-standing Christmas holiday break for AT&T In Home Expert (IHX) workers in Maryland, the workers pushed back with the help of CWA to get the Scrooge-like decision reversed. This is the first time management has attempted to cancel Christmas break for the workers who are organizing to build power and join their AT&T IHX colleagues in other areas in forming a union with CWA. This win reflects the collective power AT&T IHX workers are building across the nation.