One Year on the Picket Line with Striking Post-Gazette Workers

Last Friday, striking newspaper and production workers at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette marked one year on strike, a somber anniversary that measures the depth of the striking workers’ determination and solidarity.
“Those 365 days,” said Newspaper Guild of Pittsburgh (CWA Local 38061) member Natalie Duleba, “have been filled with inspiration, anger, awe, and an undying will to fight for what’s right.”
More than 300 supporters rallied outside the Post-Gazette newsroom, including CWA President Claude Cummings Jr., CWA Secretary-Treasurer Ameenah Salaam, CWA District 2-13 Vice President Mike Davis, NewsGuild-CWA President Jon Schleuss, Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.), Rep. Chris Deluzio (D-Pa.), and Rep. Summer Lee (D-Pa.). President Cummings pledged CWA’s full support for the strikers and their fight for a fair contract.
The striking workers have not had an across-the-board raise since 2006 and had been working without a contract since 2017 before going on strike. The workers already won their case before an NLRB administrative law judge last January, who ruled that the Post-Gazette had bargained in bad faith and ordered the company to restore the terms of the 2017 contract and make the workers whole. The company could end the strike by complying with the court’s orders but refuses to do so. The striking workers have maintained their picket lines and their solidarity through 2023's longest ongoing strike.
To support the striking workers, subscribe to the strike newspaper for free or donate to the strike fund.
Read more here or watch the video.
Strikers and supporters gather to mark the one year anniversary of Post-Gazette workers being on strike. (Photo credit: Emily Matthews/Pittsburgh Union Progress)
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