The NewsGuild of New York Addresses Police Intimidation of Journalist

Last week, members of The Daily News Union, a unit of the NewsGuild of New York (TNG-CWA Local 31003), sent a letter to the New York Police Department (NYPD) after the NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Operations Kaz Daughtry attempted to physically intimidate the Daily News Police Bureau Chief following a press conference.
Initially, instead of issuing an apology, NYPD representatives leveled a number of unfounded accusations against the bureau chief and The Daily News Union on social media. However, pressure from NewsGuild-CWA members and supporters resulted in a meeting between NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Operations Kaz Daughtry and New York Daily News Bureau Chief Rocco Parascandola where both parties were able to reach common ground.
“Collective action works,” said NewsGuild-CWA President Jon Schluess. “I am proud that all of us stood with our members at the Daily News Union and with all journalists who shine a light into the dark corners of our communities.”
At a time when news reporters are under physical attack across the globe and newsrooms are being gutted for quick profits, the NewsGuild of New York is taking threats against its workers very seriously.
A statement issued by the Executive Committee of the NewsGuild of New York after the incident reads, “Our entire union stands firmly with our members at the Daily News Union and with all the journalists who work to shine a light into the dark corners of our great city where corruption, injustice, and cynicism thrive. The public has a fundamental right to access independent news, and it is our mission to serve them without fear or favor. Our message to the NYPD is clear: We will not be intimidated or bullied into reporting anything less than the truth.”
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