Maximus Workers Get Spooky at Halloween Parade

Federal call center workers for Maximus, many of whom have directly joined CWA Local 3509, took part in the Hattiesburg, Miss., annual Halloween Parade this past weekend. Workers chose "It's Scary Without a Union" as their theme.
Former Maximus employee turned organizer Tiandra Robinson said, “We want people to realize that Hattiesburg is a union town. Unions help build a stronger local economy, a strong middle class. New businesses aren’t the only things that deserve attention; skilled labor and quality employees are a factor too. When workers are treated fairly and have a voice on the job, they tend to be more productive and stay longer.”
Maximus workers have been organizing for union representation since 2017 and have joined CWA to build power despite the company’s refusal to allow them a free and fair process for forming a bargaining unit. Since their organizing began, Maximus has lowered healthcare deductibles and increased their starting wages. Workers are still fighting for a clear path to career advancement, protections from abusive callers, and a right to organize.
CWA Local 3509 members who work at Maximus participated in the annual Hattiesburg, Miss., Halloween Parade this year, sharing candy and spreading awareness of their struggle to win recognition of their union.
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