IUE-CWA Hosts National Diversity Training

At the beginning of April, IUE-CWA members from all over the country traveled to Washington, D.C., to learn about diversity, inclusion, and how to build a stronger union. The group of about 70 participants meets twice a year for intensive trainings, including how to spot unintentional biases, how to identify stereotypes, and the role of government policy and law on non-majority populations. Running for more than a decade, this program was created in response to the sense of alienation many members felt due to factors like age, gender, or language differences. These divisions were, and continue to be, exploited by corporations to sow division and weaken our union.
Program participants, once trained, return to their respective locals as “Diversity Ambassadors,” capable of training others, including Board members and shop stewards. They are also tasked with critical outreach to marginalized members and creating a welcoming environment for them to participate in union activities.
IUE-CWA members from across the country participated in Diversity Training and, as Diversity Ambassadors, will return to their locals to help build a stronger union.
This post originally appeared on cwa-union.org.