GoFundMe for CWA Member in Need of Lung Transplant

Richard “Rick” Del Rio has been an active member of CWA for over 25 years. He’s been a steward and served on numerous committees, including mobilization, organizing, community services, and, most recently, as Chair of the Election Committee for CWA Local 9421. In 2019, Rick suffered prolonged exposure to sulfuric acid, which damaged his lungs and led to Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD). The disease is incurable and often fatal as the scar tissue spreads, degrading the lungs’ ability to transfer gasses into and from the blood.
Rick is now on the lung transplant list at the University of California, San Francisco Transplant Center. In order to afford the $40,000 transplant bill, Rick’s family and friends have created a GoFundMe page. Please consider donating to help Brother Rick and his family.
Richard “Rick” Del Rio, longtime member of CWA Local 9421, is in need of a lung transplant after prolonged exposure to sulfuric acid, which led to an incurable case of Interstitial Lung Disease.
This post originally appeared on cwa-union.org.