CWA’s Health and Safety Department Releases Updated Fact Sheet on Lead Exposure in Telecommunications

Recent news reports have highlighted concerns about exposure to lead-sheathed telecommunications cables. Preventing lead exposure at all represented telecommunications employers is a priority for our union, and our members and health and safety committees have been working on this issue for many years.
Last month, AT&T, after consultation with union leadership, announced a policy that will allow employees who may have been exposed to lead as part of their work to receive paid time off in order to be tested for lead levels. While this is a voluntary program, we strongly encourage CWA members to participate in this testing. We are in discussions with our other telecommunications employers to ensure that they provide the same opportunity.
CWA’s Health and Safety department has updated its fact sheet, “Preventing Exposures to Lead in Telecommunications: What Every Member Should Know.” It is available on our website at
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