CWAers Recommit to Fighting for Systemic Change at the 2022 Poor People’s Campaign Workers’ Assembly and Moral March on Washington

On Saturday, hundreds of CWA members from across the country, other union members, activists, elected officials, faith leaders, community allies, and social justice advocates gathered in Washington, D.C., for the Poor People’s and Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly and Moral March on Washington.
The event featured Christina Jimenez, a Maximus worker from Hattiesburg, Miss., who is organizing with her colleagues to form a union with CWA. Christina spoke up about the struggles of providing for her three children as a single mother while being denied a livable wage and affordable healthcare. Filled with so much passion and determination, she led the crowd in a chant saying, “We are not numbers, we are human.”
The CWA members and other activists who participated in the assembly and march called on elected leaders to do more to address social and economic equality in all its forms and enact real policies to fully address poverty and low wealth from the bottom up. Watch the livestream from the event here.