CWA President Claude Cummings Jr. Addresses the Working Family Party Convention

The Working Families Party (WFP) held its first ever national convention last weekend, and CWA President Claude Cummings Jr. addressed the crowd during the closing session.
Twenty-five years ago, CWA helped found the WFP in New York. Since then, the party has expanded to 17 states and has recruited, trained, and elected thousands of candidates to office at every level of government. Its mission is to build a multiracial party that fights for workers over bosses and people over the powerful. As CWA District 6 Vice President Derrick Osobase, who is a member of the WFP National Executive Committee, noted, “I remember about ten years ago…when we started talking about a Texas WFP. There were four states [on the WFP map]. Now look at where we are.”
“The Working Families Party can be a home for those voters who feel shut out and excluded from both the Democratic and Republican parties. We can build an independent base of power for people, not for parties or individuals,” President Cummings told the delegates. “We must double down on our commitment to engaging working-class voters of all races, and remain united around our shared values and vision for a country where your health and your lifespan do not depend on your zip code. Where working people don’t have to choose between keeping a job and caring for a family member. A country where every job pays a living wage and all workers are treated with dignity and respect.”
Learn more about the Working Families Party here.
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