CWA Piedmont Passenger Service and Ramp Agents Mobilize for Fair Pay, Healthcare

The CWA Piedmont bargaining committee met with Piedmont management last week to continue bargaining for a fair contract for passenger service and ramp agents.
Informed by a recent CWA survey of part-time employees, the bargaining committee passed a proposal that would expand healthcare coverage to agents working 20 hours a week or more, keep the same copay percentage, and increase the stipend if an agent opts out of coverage. To demonstrate to the company that workers are united for a contract that includes healthcare for all, CWA Piedmont members displayed band-aids on their lanyards or bodies.
During bargaining, the company presented their initial wage proposal, which included insulting wage increases as low as 12 cents. CWA will continue to hold the line and fight for our economic proposal that includes a liveable wage.
The bargaining committee has reached a critical point in negotiations and is urging CWA members and retirees to follow their fight for a fair, strong contract on Facebook to stay informed about ways you can support their efforts. The next bargaining session is August 20–22.
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