CWA District 3 Prepares for AT&T Southeast Showdown

In August, CWA District 3’s contract with AT&T Southeast will expire. Preparations began a year in advance, with CWA District 3 Assistant to Vice President Nick Hawkins laying out the stakes for local leaders. “Prior to 2019, AT&T workers in District 3 hadn’t been on strike in over thirty years. We may have caught the company by surprise then, but rest assured, that will not happen again. They will be prepared. We must do everything in our power to ensure that we are.”
District 3 Campaign Lead Joey Barker is focused on a critical part of that preparation—training, which is now in full swing. “The training curriculum includes an overview of labor history, bargaining, and most importantly, mobilization. We are excited to educate our members about how their seemingly simple efforts collectively can make a huge impact on the end goal of securing the contract our members deserve. We currently have a team of 12 state mobilizers and 14 state trainers who are actively scheduling and teaching classes across the district.”
“We have faith in the members of District 3,” said CWA District 3 Vice President Richard Honeycutt. “In 2019, our members showed AT&T that they’re willing to do whatever it takes to win a fair contract. The stage is set, and I know that our members are ready for this fight.”
Unity actions have already begun, with some techs showing support by putting CWA t-shirts over the seats in their trucks and filling their tanks to exactly $20.24. As President Claude Cummings Jr. has stressed, “Unity is our greatest strength. Our power is in our people, and the union will always stand together.”
Any members interested in bringing this training to your Local, please contact your local leadership team. Training is underway, so sign up today!
In preparation for contract negotiations with AT&T Southeast, CWA District 3 members are undergoing mobilization education all across the South. Unity actions are springing up as members show their support for a fair contract.
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