Building Support for the PRO Act One Call at a Time

President Joe Biden has made the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act a key part of his agenda. He knows that making it easier for workers to join unions and giving us more power to bargain strong contracts will help restore the middle class.
It's up to us to make sure that working people across the country know about the PRO Act and contact their Senators to demand that they support the bill. During the week of June 14, union members and supporters will be making thousands of calls to educate voters in key states about the bill. CWA members, retirees, friends, and family members will be staffing the lines on Thursday, June 17. Learn more and sign up for a shift at, and don't forget to wear your CWA red!
IUE-CWA members contacted their Senators this week to build support for the PRO Act.