Bargaining Updates Around CWA - American Airlines, YouTube Music, and Second City Canada

American Airlines
CWA-IBT passenger service agents at American Airlines are sending out an S.O.S: Save Our Scope.
During the twelfth round of negotiations between the CWA-IBT bargaining team and American Airlines management last week, the company proposed to pay industry wages so agents are not behind Delta and United Airlines. However, the company also proposed the scope and work rules also match Delta and United. Delta does not have a union and has no protection of scope while United's protections are not as strong as the CWA-IBT proposal. There are also concerns about technology at the airports and reservations.
Share this image on social media in solidarity with CWA-IBT members in their fight for a contract that secures both fair pay and job security.
YouTube Music
Alphabet Workers Union-CWA Local 9009 members who work at YouTube Music went on a one-day unfair labor practice strike against Google and its contractor Cognizant yesterday after Google announced that it will not bargain with workers, despite a National Labor Relations Board decision recognizing Google as their employer.
“Once again, Google’s stated company values are at odds with its behavior. Google claims that it respects its workers’ right to organize. However, when it comes time for them to actually meet unionized workers like us at the bargaining table—they are nowhere to be found,” said Liana Hernandez, a member of AWU-CWA who works on the YouTube Music Content Operations team.
You can watch the video of the event here.
At a press conference and rally, the workers, who were joined by Texas AFL-CIO president Rick Levy, set up a table with large skeletons to represent Google and Cognizant’s refusal to come to the bargaining table.
The Second City Canada
Comedy educators at The Second City Canada ratified their first contract agreement earlier this month. The workers, who are members of CWA Local 30112 (AICE Canada), teach performance, writing, and communication skills at The Second City's Toronto location.
The agreement addresses a range of important issues, including wages, pedagogical training, scheduling, health and safety, and professional development.
"This is a big step for comedy educators at The Second City," said Lisa Merchant, Interim President of Local 30112. "Many have long enjoyed passing on their experience and skills to upcoming generations of talent. We look forward to carrying on that tradition in an environment that fosters respect for its workers. This agreement helps us bolster the progressive and healthy work environment in which everyone upholds Second City's reputation for comedic excellence.”
Second City educators in Los Angeles, members of CWA Local 9505, and Chicago, represented by the Illinois Federation of Teachers, have been fighting for their own first contracts for over 600 days. You can support their fight by signing their petition.
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