Audubon Charged with Breaking Labor Laws and Discriminating Against CWA Members

Members of the Bird Union-CWA Local 1180 have been trying to negotiate a fair first contract at the National Audubon Society for more than two years but have been frustrated by management’s bad faith bargaining. This week, the NLRB issued a complaint against Audubon, charging the environmental nonprofit with breaking federal labor laws and discriminating against union members to illegally discourage union membership.
Bird Union-CWA Local 1180 members are mobilizing in an effort to fight back against Audubon’s unlawful actions. Bird Union members voted overwhelmingly to authorize a strike if Audubon continues to violate the workers’ rights under federal labor laws. CWA members across the country will take part in a National Bird Union Day of Action on Saturday, August 17, holding rallies to raise awareness of Audubon’s union busting and inequitable treatment of represented staff.
The NLRB’s complaint cites Audubon for refusing to bargain over minimum salaries, making unilateral changes to healthcare benefits, and discriminating based on union membership by denying union members new benefits that were given to non-represented staff, including enhanced parental leave.
Bird Union-CWA Local 1180 members hold a practice picket in Oakland, Calif., in preparation for a potential national strike if Audubon continues to violate the workers’ rights.
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