AT&T Southeast Strike and AT&T West Bargaining Update

Across the Southeast, members of CWA District 3 continue their strike against AT&T. Members have been on the picket lines since August 16. Workers hope to return to their jobs soon, but AT&T must engage in good faith bargaining and send negotiators who have both the authority to make decisions and a serious intent to reach an agreement.
CWA members and retirees across the country have mobilized to support the strikers. They are leafleting at dozens of AT&T Mobility stores, informing customers and the larger public that AT&T is failing to bargain a fair contract for its dedicated workforce. They are also asking customers to sign their petition calling on AT&T CEO John Stankey to respect his employees and bargain for a fair contract.
CWA members and staff around the country, including CWA District 7 Vice President Susie McAllister (top right), who handed out flyers in front of an AT&T Mobility store in Lone Tree, Colo., turned out to spread the word about AT&T’s unfair labor practices. Locals pictured (left to right, top to bottom): CWA Local 1400, CWA Local 7777, CWA Local 6215, CWA Local 1101, CWA Local 2204, CWA Local 13000, CWA Local 3607, and CWA Local 4900.
Check out more photos of leafleting here.
“If we gotta stay locked up in a room for 24 hours, that's what we’re willing to do. It’s our opinion that we could have a contract within a couple of days,” said CWA District 3 Vice President Richard Honeycutt. “We just have to have someone here who can give the final go-ahead.”
Click here to learn more about how you can support the striking workers.
In CWA District 9, members in California and Nevada voted against ratification of the tentative agreement reached with AT&T West and went back to the bargaining table on Wednesday. “We will use all the tools at our disposal to win a fair contract, including a strike if it becomes necessary," said CWA District 9 Vice President Frank Arce.
“AT&T workers across the country have made it clear that they are not willing to settle for a subpar contract or bad faith negotiations. CWA members are the face of AT&T and eager to continue their work keeping their customers connected,” said CWA President Claude Cummings Jr.“I will be doing everything I can to ensure that AT&T puts proposals on the table with the wages and healthcare benefits that our members deserve.”
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