Worker Power Update

CWA Members Continue to Build Support for the Protecting the Right to Organize Act
Last Wednesday, CWA District 4 and IUE-CWA members in Dayton, Ohio, organized a national call-in day and held a rally in support of the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act with IUE-CWA President Carl Kennebrew and CWA-endorsed U.S. Senate candidate and Democratic Congressman from Ohio Tim Ryan. "America's not here without labor. Dayton, Ohio, is not here without labor. It is ridiculous that we have to beg the very people we put in office to protect our rights to organize, bargain, and strike. We're tired of asking. We're tired of begging. We're demanding – we need a vote now. We need a vote on the PRO Act so we can see who is really on our side. Not in a speech, not in a campaign ad, but when it's time to vote, we want to know who is really with us," said President Kennebrew.
Rep. Ryan added, "We need to bring back the value of respect: respecting workers, respecting each other, and respecting the jobs that Ohioans do every single day. That means putting workers first and passing the PRO Act."
Members from across the country also participated in the national call-in day urging their Senators to support the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act and pressure leadership for a vote this summer.
IUE-CWA President Carl Kennebrew (above) and CWA-endorsed U.S. Senate candidate and Democratic Congressman from Ohio Tim Ryan (below), spoke at a rally in support of the PRO Act.
Union Leaders, Members, and Community Activists Support IUE-CWA Members Running for Office
Last weekend, IUE-CWA Local 81776 President Terri Tauro and IUE-CWA Local 83761 member Willie Roberts held campaign events joined by labor leaders, union members, and community activists.
Tauro (pictured above) is running for State Representative in the 8th Essex District, Mass., and if elected, would be the second IUE-CWA member in the Massachusetts State House. She was joined by AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler, IUE-CWA Local 81201 members, and other union members in Lynn, Mass., in support of her campaign.
Roberts (pictured above, third from left, back) hosted his first canvass to build support for his campaign for Shelbyville City Council in Kentucky. If elected, he would be the only union member, as well as the only person of color on the council.
CWA Public Education Workers in Kansas Advocate for More School Funding
CWA members who work for the Lawrence, Kan., public school system attended a meeting with Democratic Kansas Governor Laura Kelly and top officials in her administration late last month. They discussed school financing laws in the state and how they are affecting the school districts and members of the Personnel Association of Lawrence (PAL-CWA Local 6400). The Governor expressed her position on the issue and encouraged members to get more engaged on the federal level to ensure that Congress fully allocates funds for public education. Part of the discussion also centered around the Governor’s upcoming reelection campaign and how critical union members will be turning out voters and ensuring that the Governor’s office continues to support working families.
Members of PAL-CWA Local 6400 met with Democratic Kansas Governor Laura Kelly to discuss school funding and her support for her upcoming reelection campaign.
Join Our Phone Bank to Build Support for CWA-Endorsed Michigan Congressman Andy Levin
Next Wednesday, CWA District 4 political activists will be hosting a phone bank to build support for CWA-endorsed Democratic Congressman from Michigan Andy Levin in the upcoming election. Rep. Levin is a long-time union member, labor organizer, human rights activist, workforce policy expert, and green energy entrepreneur. Since he has been in office, he has been a champion on workers’ rights issues and has supported CWA members through picket lines, bargaining tables, organizing drives, and beyond.
The phone bank will be held on Wednesday, July 27, at 6 p.m. ET. Join your fellow CWAers and fight for pro-worker and pro-democracy candidates. You don’t have to be a Michigan resident to participate. Click here to RSVP.