Beirne Scholarships Awarded for 2022-2023

The CWA Joe Beirne Foundation was established in October 1974 by the CWA Executive Board to honor the name and memory of the founding President of CWA, who served for more than 30 years.
Sixteen partial college scholarships of $4,000 each are being awarded for the 2022-2023 school year. Winners, selected in a lottery drawing, also will receive second-year scholarships of the same amount contingent upon satisfactory academic accomplishment. Part-time students, taking fewer than 12 credits, will receive half of the scholarship amount.
Eligible for the awards are CWA members and their spouses, children, and grandchildren, including those of retired or deceased members.
2022-2023 Winners:
Marcel Oliart, son of Antonio Oliart, NABET-CWA Local 51018
Sehaye Luks, daughter of JoAnna Luks, CWA Local 1081
April Garcia, daughter of Ana Garcia, CWA Local 1040
Christopher Herbert, son of Robin Herbert, CWA Local 1180
Caitlin Lambe, daughter of Norman Lambe, CWA Local 1101
Anna Wallace, daughter of John Wallace, CWA Local 2201
Jason Andrews, grandson of Walter Andrews, CWA Local 3204
Shelby Hill, daughter of Nathan Hill, CWA Local 3803
Christopher Tran, son of Anthony Tran, Chicago Mailers/PPMWS-CWA Local 14430
Bea Traum, daughter of Kurt Traum, CWA Local 4340
Ameena Khan, daughter of Aisha Sultan, TNG-CWA Local 36047
Floyd Bell, III, son of Floyd Bell Jr., CWA Local 6300
Paavo Passi, son of Peter Passi, Minnesota Newspaper Guild/TNG-CWA Local 37002
Jewel Johnson, dependent of Decovan Rhem, CWA Local 9415
Nathan Guerrero, son of Anibal Guerrero, CWA Local 9586
Leah Flatman, daughter of Trevor Flatman, CWA|SCA Canada Local 30223
Click here to learn more about the Joe Beirne Scholarship Program.