Worker Power Update

Supporting Pro-Worker Candidates in Colorado
Ahead of the upcoming 2022 primary elections on June 28, the CWA State Council for Colorado and Wyoming has released its endorsement list of pro-worker candidates. The list includes candidates who have gone through a rigorous evaluation process conducted by the State Council, made up of CWA local leaders, in partnership with the Colorado AFL-CIO and regional affiliated bodies. “Our local unions are building independent worker power. We work for workers, not for political parties. Elections matter. The right elected leaders can set the stage for us to win organizing victories, protect our safety and security on the job, and pass policies like paid sick leave and whistleblower protections for all workers,” reads the letter by the State Council announcing the endorsements.
Notable CWA-endorsed candidates include Diana DeGette, Sol Sandoval, and Brittany Pettersen, who are Democrats running for the first, third, and seventh congressional districts, respectively. CWA has also endorsed Democrat Phil Weiser for Attorney General and a number of other candidates running for local elections. The candidates have demonstrated their commitment to CWA members and their families by supporting expanded collective bargaining rights, raising wages, and making our workplaces safer.
Click here for a full list of endorsements.
CWA Fights Back Against Lumen’s Attempt to Weaken Regulations in New Mexico
In a major win for CWA members, the New Mexico Supreme Court ruled against Lumen’s attempt to be exempt from regulation and avoid its responsibility to provide quality residential telecommunications service to all New Mexicans. The Court affirmed the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission’s (NMPRC) previous decision to deny the company’s deregulation attempt. CWA played a major role at every turn by providing expert testimony and extensive briefs rebutting the company’s claims. CWA’s engagement helped ensure Lumen did not succeed in its bid to weaken regulations that are meant to protect workers and consumers. This is a major win for CWA District 7 members at Lumen and the over 100,000 New Mexicans who rely on the company for residential phone service, particularly in rural areas. Read more here.