Sen. Gillibrand and Rep. Pocan Introduce the End Outsourcing Act to Bring Back American Jobs

Yesterday, U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) introduced the End Outsourcing Act in the Senate and U.S. Representative Mark Pocan (D-Wisc.) introduced the same legislation in the House. The act would use the federal tax code and federal grants, loans, and contracts to stop the outsourcing of American jobs and create a new tax benefit to encourage companies to bring manufacturing jobs back to the United States. The legislation would help create good jobs for those who lost their livelihoods during the pandemic.
"The pandemic has put millions of Americans out of work and we can no longer allow manufacturing companies to cut more family-supporting jobs in favor of cheap labor and higher profits overseas," said Sen. Gillibrand. Congressman Pocan added, "Congress must incentivize companies to invest in American jobs, workers, and communities."
IUE-CWA President Carl Kennebrew voiced the union's strong support of the legislation. "For too long, corporations have grabbed profitable government contracts funded by our tax dollars with one hand and pushed good jobs overseas with the other, with no concern for the impact on workers or our communities," said Pres. Kennebrew. "Last fall, during the height of the COVID pandemic, one of the largest federal contractors, General Electric, announced that it would be sending dozens of jobs manufacturing power turbines from Schenectady, N.Y., to Poland. These corporations are driven by one thing – massive profits. The End Outsourcing Act will ensure that our tax dollars go to companies that create American jobs, not the ones that are shipping jobs overseas."