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Why We're Organizing

IAPE 1096, or the Independent Association of Publishers' Employees, is a union that has been run by and for the employees of Dow Jones for more than 80 years. It boasts 1300 members across the U.S. and Canada. IAPE provides collective benefits and protection for its members like guaranteed cost of living raises, expansive health coverage, and considerations for comp time or overtime pay. IAPE also recently negotiated terms that make it harder for WSJ to lay off its workers.

Since June 2021, we have had an ongoing conversation in good faith with the legal representatives for Dow Jones. Through IAPE, we provided surveys, anecdotes, and other collected statements, showing that our roles are non-managerial and should be included in the bargaining unit. Photo Editors at The Journal perform similar job functions as our colleagues in the union, including research, reporting, working with freelancers, and supporting the publication of both the print and digital editions of the paper.

We are not asking for a lot — we are simply asking for those same protections to be extended to us, the way they are to our co-workers. Union representation will give us a seat at the table for future negotiations, and better define the boundaries between our work and our lives.

We are petitioning the National Labor Relations Board to review our request to join IAPE. Our 3-day hearing concluded on Nov. 17, and now we wait for the NLRB to make a ruling. 

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You can continue to show your support by sending an email to WSJ Leadership — check out the campaign here!