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You cannot be disciplined for following management's rules.
In fact, you can be disciplined for NOT following management's rules. So, if any manager complains that your work-output is too slow as a result of following their rules, ask them to put in writing which step you should skip. Unless you get something in writing from your boss, be sure to follow all their rules, even if your manager complains that things are taking too long.

What is “Skip No Steps”? - Skip No Steps is a reminder that
all members should follow all work rules from management.

Why should we do “Skip No Steps” now? - While we are working without a contract, members do not have arbitration rights. Even though we still have the right to the grievance process, this lack of arbitration rights can potentially put members in increased jeopardy especially while we are coming up to the end of the year installation push. One way to mitigate this risk it to make sure we are all following the rules the company has laid out for us. This will also ensure the safety of our Network and our customers.

Is this designed to slow down our work? No. Skip No Steps is designed to protect our members during this stressful period when we don’t have arbitration rights. Installers should follow all rules imposed by management. .

One important example is the Vehicle Safety Check and Safety Exercises. Nokia mandates that all members do an exhaustive safety check of our vehicles before each tour, and do stretches and exercise to lower the risk of injury (Pre- Driving Vehicle Inspection). Be sure to do this comprehensive safety check and exercise/stretching pursuant to the Company's guidelines.

In Unity,

R.K. Ferdinandsen


CWA Local 7590