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Nokia Bargaining Report #29

September 21, 2018

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The Company and your Bargaining Team met today. What started out as a positive soon turned into a downward spiral. According to the Company Bargaining Chair Nokia is running at a negative Operating Income due, in part, because our Installers make too much money and have a rich benefit package. They continue to believe that an all 3P model is the only way to make the Company profitable. In addition, the HUMANE thing to do is lay off the represented workforce (while retaining managers) and provide them a severance package out of pension assets. Never mind that 17% of the Installers won’t be service pension eligible!

Things got particularly heated when the Union continued to point out that it is the Company’s mismanagement of the business that creates an operating loss NOT 348 Installers, 2-R50’s and a coordinator. The Company will see what they can do to provide the Union with information that will help us understand the “Big Picture” so that we can focus on what is important. Apparently, due to our short sightedness, the Union’s desire to keep the Bargaining Unit intact, protect retiree healthcare and pensions while continuing to be a part of Nokia’s future is NOT what we need to be focusing on. Our focus SHOULD be on helping the company become profitable AND Union Free. Bargaining will resume on Monday, September 24th.

Please check out and join Nokia’s Yammer Field Forces conversation. An interesting Blog to be sure. Remember if you encounter quality issues with 3P contractors or, you are sent to clean up their mess please send the information to the bargaining team by emailing

Continue using this link to send an online letter to Nokia CEO Rajeev Suri and Nokia Bargaining Chair Steve Muscat, telling them to save American jobs and bargain in good faith! If you would like to write a letter and send it via the USPS their addresses are:

Steve Muscat / Senior Director Americas HR-Labor Relations / Nokia of America Corporation / 600 Mountain Avenue, Room 6C-419 / Murray Hill, NJ 07974

Rajeev Suri / President and Chief Executive Officer / Nokia / Karaporti 3 / Espoo, Finland 02610

An Injury To One, Is An Injury To All. United We Stand.

Your Bargaining Team,

Mary Jo Reilly
Steve Amato
Luis Benitez