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September 5, 2018

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The Company and your Bargaining Team resumed bargaining today. The Company passed additional data request responses including a Quality Report on Core Installers. However, they wanted to make it clear to us that quality is not relevant to these negotiations. Needless to say we disagree! It is our Installers who are going out and fixing 3P mistakes and it’s the 3P who get the credit for our work!! It also increases company costs by paying a 3P for shoddy work and us to fix it - not relevant to these negations when cost is a factor? The Company also responded to our request for the anticipated skills needed in the future. Some of the fundamental skills were assembling, installing, wiring and cabling; sound familiar?  In addition, it will be necessary to work in increasingly diverse customer environments. HELLO?!?!?! Don’t you do that today? Apparently, according to the Company, this is something only a Contractor can provide with the right training of course.

The Union passed a proposal that we believe will meet the Company’s need for flexibility by expanding the CSI’s work beyond 321, and to hire temporary employees, covered under Article 26, for specific projects. We also passed a proposal on Healthcare that basically maintains the current plan design with modest increases. It also changes the premium structure to include three levels (Single, Two Person and Family).

Some of you may have seen the Company’s “Transforming GSD” impact letter. This is the direction they continue to push and we want to be part of this model and keep good UNION jobs with Nokia.

Remember, if you encounter quality issues with 3P contractors or are sent to clean up their mess please send the information to the bargaining team:

Please continue using this link to send an online letter to Nokia CEO Rajeev Suri and Nokia Bargaining Chair Steve Muscat, telling them to save American jobs and bargain in good faith! If you would like to write a letter and send it via the USPS their addresses are:

Steve Muscat / Senior Director Americas HR-Labor Relations / Nokia of America Corporation / 600 Mountain Avenue, Room 6C-419 / Murray Hill, NJ 07974

Rajeev Suri / President and Chief Executive Officer / Nokia / Karaporti 3 / Espoo, Finland 02610

We will continue to fight for a fair and equitable contract that protects jobs and retiree healthcare.

An Injury To One, Is An Injury To All!  United We Stand!

Your Bargaining Team,

Mary Jo Reilly

Steve Amato

Luis Benitez