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Election of Local Officers - Nominations and Results

October 16, 2020

Brothers and Sisters,

Earlier today I received a letter from the Election Committtee Chair, Vinnie Harmon.  Vinnie requested that I post this letter to our website to make it available to all our members, please see the attached pdf file.

In summary the current six elected officers for the office of President, Secretary/Treasurer, Vice President of Colorado/Wyoming, Vice President of Utah/Idaho/Montana, Vice President of Southern California, and Vice President of Northern California/Nevada/Hawaii were the only ones nominated and all six of us accepted the nomination.  And per our Local's By-Laws all six of us have been re-elected by acclimation.

Also per our Local's By-Laws if within ten (10) days following an election, any voter desires to question an election, they shall notify the Election Committee in hand written form, demanding a recount or another election and stating their reasons. The Election Committee shall decide on the action to be taken, subject to the right of appeal to the Executive Board or the membership of the Local.  This will need to be mailed to the Election Committee at PO Box 21007 Denver, CO. 80221 and must post marked no later than October 26th, 2020.

In Unity,

R.K. Ferdinandsen

President CWA Local 7590