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CWA Local 7590 Contract Explanation Meeting Update

September 17th, 2020


Brothers, Sisters, Members of Local 6290, and Retirees,


Earlier today I posted a news article to our web page to primarily notify you that we will be having a conference call with the bargaining team.  In this notification I asked you all to refrain from sharing our conference call bridge phone number not to be shared.  This has now changed since I originally scheduled our locals meeting with the bargaining team.  This change is primarily because of time and scheduling with all the locals within the Installation Bargaining Unit and the bargaining team.  Because of this both the President of Local 6290, Rodney Rowe, will be combining both Local 6290's and Local 7590's Contract Explanation Meeting for both locals members.  We have also agreed to also include retirees from each locals areas and would like them to also be invited to join this conference call that is for all members for CWA Installation Local's 6290 and 7590 to have the opportunity to hear directly from our bargaining team and provide an opportunity for our members/retirees questions and concerns directly with our bargaining team. 


With this in mind I will be opening our call next Monday at 2:00pm (MDT) with a brief introduction and welcome, then I will be asking Luis Benitez to provide us information concerning illegal intercepts from management and Federal Law.  Then I will have Mary Jo Reilly and Steve Amato describe in more detail this offer that is on the table and up for a ratification vote.   Then I will open the meeting for questions from active members, saving questions from retirees until last.


Again the conference call number is; USA Toll-Free: 877-402-9753, Access Code: 3950285

The time for this call will be: 4:00pm (EDT), 3:00pm (CDT), 2:00pm (MDT), 1:00pm (PDT), and 10am Hawaii Time.


Please make sure you visit CWA Local 7590’s web page often to make sure you are current with the latest information the local has.


In Unity,

R.K. Ferdinandsen


CWA Local 7590