Tentative Agreement Highlights
Here is a general overview of today's tentative agreement breakdown from the district 9 bargaining team:
14.25% total raise over the life of the 4 yr contract. Compounded rate is 15.02%
- 5% April 2024
- 3% April 2025
- 3% April 2026
- 3.25% April 2027
- No COLA or Retro pay
- 54hr Double time rule for Premise Technicians
- Prem Tech OT cap now at 12 hrs
-Article 8, layoff table capped at 35yrs as of April 2026
- 1% pension growth annually
- Kaiser benefit framework secured until December 31, 2028.
- MLK Day off for everyone
- $500 signing bonus
District 9 will be mailing out ballots 8/20/24 to all members based on information we have for your home addresses. If any member is concerned that their address may be outdated or not current, please contact the hall at 510-581-9412 to verify and update if needed. Ballots are due to the USPS by 9/4/24, however it would be wise to send them in earlier to ensure they travel & are received by the district in time for the 9/6/24 ballot count. If you have not received your ballot by 08/25/24, contact the hall and stop by to get a replacement ballot in time to vote. Documents included in the mailer will be:
-Postage paid return envelope
-Voting instructions
-D9 VP Frank Arce’s cover letter
-Hard copy of 2024-2028 Final Bargaining Report attached below
-Ballot envelope
Please make sure to follow the instructions included to ensure your ballot is valid & is counted. Make sure to print your name legibly where directed for your ballot to count & do not write statements or comment on the ballot, as things of that nature make the ballot spoiled according to department of labor standards. Members that do not submit a ballot are not counted as a yes or no for purposes of the vote; they never occurred so make sure you vote your conscience to have your voice heard.
Below, find attached the information packet detailing changes:
Contract explanation meetings will be next Monday 8/19/24 @ 6:30 pm & Thursday 8/22/24 following the 6:30 pm membership meeting with an estimated start time of 7:00 pm. The Zoom link is:
In Solidarity,
Ian Niderost, Secretary-Treasurer
CWA Local 9412
Letter From District 9 Vice President Frank Arce