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Worker Power Update

Apple Workers Speak to Members of the Congressional Labor Caucus About Their Organizing Journey, Fight Against Union-Busting

Apple workers and CWA members Michael Forsythe and Kirsten Civick met with members of the Congressional Labor Caucus to share their experiences as members of the organizing committee during their campaign to form a union at Apple. Last October, their store became the second certified union at Apple. While the victory was rewarding, Forsythe shared with the members of the Congressional Labor Caucus that "management made it a more hostile, intimidating, and divisive place than you could even imagine." "Our workplace has been flooded with raw sewage multiple times and my coworkers and I were responsible for cleaning up messes without any hazard gear," Civick added, "I never saw myself becoming a part of a union organizing effort, but my years at Apple have shown me that all workers, no matter what sector, face injustice in the workplace and deserve a union to make their working conditions better."

Earlier this month, CWA filed an unfair labor practice (ULP) charge against Apple for violating federal labor law. The charge alleges Apple's Jordan Creek location in Des Moines, Iowa, mandated illegal captive audience meetings and issued threats to workers if they unionized. CWA also filed a ULP against Apple’s Fifth Avenue location in New York City. In addition to flagging illegal captive audience meetings at the store, the charge alleges management illegally suggested workers would lose their ability to have one-on-one conversations with their manager if employees chose to form a union.


CWA-Endorsed Candidate Wins Primary Election for Wisconsin Supreme Court Seat

CWA activists, along with a coalition of other pro-labor and pro-democracy activists, have been mobilizing to build support for a CWA-endorsed candidate for the open Wisconsin Supreme Court seat, Judge Janet Protasiewicz. Thanks to their efforts, Judge Protasiewicz won the primary election held on Tuesday. CWAers will continue to raise support for our endorsed candidate as she heads into the general election.

Wisconsin Supreme Court Phonebank
CWA activists participated in a phone bank ahead of the primary election for a Wisconsin Supreme Court Seat in support of CWA-endorsed candidate Judge Protasiewicz, who won the race.