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Worker Power Update

CWA Activists in Kentucky Build Power

IUE CWA D3 and UCW Lobby Day Kentucky

Activists from IUE-CWA, CWA District 3, and United Campus Workers (UCW-CWA) participated in a lobby day in Kentucky, along with labor allies such as Kentuckians for the Commonwealth. Nearly 60 union members from across the state came to meet with their State Representatives and Senators, discuss what is going on in their respective districts, and advocate for pro-worker policies. They focused on the protection and expansion of voting rights and other critical issues that impact working families. Volunteers from the Kentucky State AFL-CIO and other supporters contributed to making the lobby day a success.


IUE Lobby Day Kentucky PAC

IUE-CWA prioritized the recruitment of new activists to build the Union’s Political Action Committees across the state and ensure that pro-labor Democratic Governor Andy Beshear stays in office during this 2023 election cycle. During the lobby day, several members from the newly formed Political Action Committee at IUE-CWA Local 83761 met with the Governor. For most of the activists, this was their first opportunity to meet their State Representatives.


Broadband Brigade Lobby Day Kentucky

As part of the lobby day, a group of CWA activists including CWA Local 3310 Broadband Brigade member Jason DeValdivielso met with Gov. Beshear to solidify his commitment to high labor standards and a fiber preference in broadband expansion using federal funds.


UCW Lobby Day Kentucky

The UCW-CWA Kentucky union continues to grow and so does their political power. The UCW-CWA members who participated in the lobby day also had the chance to meet the Governor and their Representatives to discuss legislation that will impact higher education and advocate for their priorities in the upcoming election cycle.