AFA-CWA International President Sara Nelson Stands Up to Corporate Greed in Senate Testimony

On Tuesday, Association of Flight Attendants-CWA International President Sara Nelson testified before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions. Nelson joined UAW International President Shawn Fain and Teamsters International President Sean O’Brien to testify about the impact that unions have in improving the lives of working families.
Nelson called out the unlawful company union at SkyWest and airline executives for treating workers on the frontlines as not only a line-item, but as disposable. Nelson spoke forcefully for the power of working families who come together to build the American dream, and called out the billionaires who hoard American wealth.
“Our capitalist economy has unraveled the American dream. I have a message for the billionaires who want to bleed us dry: There is plenty for everyone. You can still be fabulously wealthy, but if you continue to try to keep us poor, you will find that working people are not going to take it anymore,” said Nelson. “When we find solidarity, we find power. We can use that power to hold capital accountable, to ensure that our voices are heard, our contributions respected, and our work rewarded.”
AFA-CWA Int’l President Sara Nelson (right) testifies before the Senate with UAW Int’l President Sean Fain (left) and Teamsters Int’l President Sean O’Brien (center).
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