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Duties of Elected Officers

In the upcoming election of our Local 7901 President, Executive Vice President, and Area One Vice President (CenturyLink, Avaya, AT&T/Legacy-T, DEX), these are the duties assigned by our Local Bylaws. While the list is extensive, please be aware that many other duties arise that require commitment, time, and self-sacrifice by the elected office holder. I highly encourage you to consider running for a position you feel prepared for, but I also caution you to take this commitment seriously. It is a lot of work and very stressful at times, but can also be very intrinsically rewarding.

According to our Local 7901 Bylaws, the duties of the officer positions up for election are as follows;

Section 10.2 Duties of the Local President.  The Local President shall:

A. Preside at meetings of the Local and Executive Board.

B. Exercise general supervision over the affairs of the Local and its office.

C. Enforce strict observation of the Union Constitution and the Local Bylaws.

D. Assume responsibility for furtherance of the purposes of the Local.

E. Act as Official Spokesperson for the Local.

F. Follow instructions from the International Union and comply with the instructions of the Executive Board when not in conflict with the provisions of the Union Constitution or Local Bylaws.

G. Authorize and approve all expenditures and countersign all checks drawn on the Treasury of the Local.

H. Attend all conventions as a Delegate of the Local and as Chair of the Local Delegation.

I. Supervise all committees of the Local and be an Ex-Officio Member of all committees.

J. Exercise any and all duties, powers, and functions for or incident to the Office of President.

K. Be bonded in accordance with the Communications Workers of America (CWA) Constitution and any State or Federal laws.

L. Appoint all Delegates in State, County and City Council bodies or Councils, subject to approval of the Executive Board and Membership.

M. Have such additional duties as assigned by the Local or required by the Constitution or Policies of the Union.

 N. Be responsible for the Local’s publications 

  O. Be responsible for developing and presenting a proposed strategic plan to the E-Board and membership annually.

Other duties assigned by Local: Act as bargaining agent for non-profit organizations represented by Local 7901.

Section 10.3 Duties of the Executive Vice President.  The Executive Vice President shall:

A. Assume the duties of the President in the event that the President is on leave, is absent, or is unable to act.

B. Be responsible for the administration of training all Stewards.

C. Be an ex-Officio Member of all Committees.

D. Be responsible for the Grievance procedure, work with the respective Vice Presidents and Stewards in assuring that the grievances are properly processed and presented.  Present a grievance report to the Executive Board and Membership.

E. Be the chair of the Grievance Committee.

F. Be responsible to appeal grievances at Staff level.

G. Be bonded in accordance with the CWA Constitution and any State or Federal laws.

H. Be responsible to perform those duties assigned by the President or approved by the Executive Board.

Other Duties Assigned by President: Responsible for keeping member records up to date in Aptify software. Responsible for keeping Local 7901 Website maintained and up to date. Responsible for keeping AVP's up to date and informed.

Section 10.4 Duties of the Area Vice Presidents.  The Local Area Vice Presidents shall:

A. Work under the direction of the Local President and perform such duties as assigned to them by the Local President, the Executive Board and the General Membership.

B. Be bonded in accordance with the CWA Constitution and any State or Federal laws.

C. Act as representative of the group from which they are elected as defined in Article IV, and exercise their responsibility as defined in Article VII.

D. Be responsible for the processing of grievances within their groups working with the Executive Vice President.

E. Develop and oversee the activities of Job Stewards within their group.

F. Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President or Executive Board.

G. Attend all Executive Board Meetings, General and Special Membership Meetings, unless excused by the Local President.