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CWA 6171 Executive Vice President

Dear Union Brothers and Sisters;

Our CWA 6171 Executive Vice President, Ken Conner, Who has served as President and has held almost every office for Local 6171, who has retired after 30 years of membership and continued to pay full time dues to the local after retirement. In May of 2019 Ken went to the hospital thinking he was having a heart attack, after a series of tests he was diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer. On June 20th he underwent surgery and had 1/3 of his lung removed. Ken will also go through 16 weeks of chemo and follow up with 6 weeks radiation.

Medical Bills are adding up and we are requesting any help you can for Ken and his family in these tough times. Below is a ling to the gofundme page they have set up.


Thankyou in Solidarity

Local 6402