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CWA Juneteenth Celebration

Let’s be honest. It’s time we have a serious conversation about the systemic injustices plaguing Black folks on a daily basis. From poverty to policing practices to the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 in Black communities, as union members, we must begin discussing ways to dismantle racism not only in our Nation but in our union as well. The fight for Black liberation is inextricably linked to building the working-class power we seek. That’s why the only real way to dismantle racism is for every worker to take on the struggle for justice for Black people in this country as their own.

Friday is Juneteenth, an annual celebration commemorating the end of slavery in the United States.

We’re asking you to join CWA this Friday and Saturday for our Juneteenth Celebration as we stand with workers around the world who are rising up for Black lives!  

Friday, June 19th, at 6 PM EST meet us at for a Facebook Live event featuring union leaders, artists, and activists in the movement for racial justice. Make sure you stick around for the LIVE panel discussion on “Building a Worker’s Movement that Takes on Racism” featuring panelists: Dennis Trainor, CWA District -1 Vice President, Natashia Pickens, CWA President - Local 6355, Nse Ufot, New Georgia Project, and Kooper Caraway, Sioux Falls AFL-CIO.

Join us on Saturday, June 20th at 10 AM and 6 PM EST with the Poor People’s Campaign for the largest digital and social media gathering of poor and low-wealth people, moral and religious leaders, advocates, and people of conscience in this nation’s history! Click here to register for this event.

It’s time to tear this system down and build a just society where Black lives matter. Workers matter! WE MATTER!