It has recently been brought to my attention that there are many hidden cameras in the kitchen areas of MANY schools, to name a few of those schools they are: Hodgin Elementry, Reginald Chavez Elementry, and Carlos Rey Elementry. Please keep in mind there are most likely LOTS more. The Union will continue to add more locations as we find them out, if your school has these cameras (fake fire alarms, that are actually cameras) please let us know asap.
Food services contuines to be the absoute WORST DEPARTMENT in ALL APS!!!!! The managment begining from the top (we all know who the top starts with) continues to apply there bulling, & scare tactics, they constantly continue to ask the employees both C & D schedule employees to preform tasks that are not in the employees job describtion. If this is your situation, and you beleive you are being asked to do things that are not your job, please contact Liz Zamora asap @ 505-907-0570, if you require spanish speaker contact Alvaro Rivera @ 505-923-0521.